"Frontier Science - Integrating Nutrition, Gut Health and Welfare"

Apss 2024 Paper Submissions

The Online Paper Submissions Portal is currently:

11:59PM AEDT, 13TH OCTOBER, 2023.

IMPORTANT: Before writing and submitting your paper, please DOWNLOAD and READ the Instructions for Authors or use our APSS Paper Template to ensure your paper is submitted in the correct format.

Once submitted, your paper will be initially sighted by the editorial committee to determine it's suitability for our conference, and to make sure it is formatted correctly.  At this point it will be either forwarded on to be peer reviewed, or returned for editing (ie. incorrect formatting). 

Your paper will be peer reviewed by 2 reviewers. The editorial committee will endeavour to have your paper reviewed and comments/modifications back to you (if necessary), within a month of submission (dependent on reviewers).  The Editor will then formally accept or decline your paper. Presentation types (Poster/Oral) will be confirmed once the program has been compiled and you will be notified separately.

Posters will be presented during the Cocktail Poster Session on Monday Evening, you will have a chance to discuss specific outcomes of your work with interested parties during this session.   You may request a Poster presentation during the submission process, otherwise it will be assessed on its merits and it will be allocated either an Oral or Poster presentation at the discretion of the editorial committee. 

All papers that are formally accepted will be published as full papers in the proceedings, so all papers must abide by format guidelines. 

NOTE: Once accepted, either yourself or a contributing author must make a commitment to attend (in person) and present the paper/poster at APSS 2024 (19th - 21st Feb, 2024). Failure to register for the conference by the Author Registration Deadline (15th December, 2023), will result in your paper being removed from our program and it will no be published in the proceedings.

Steps in the Submission Process

1.  Read the Instruction for Authors
Make sure that you understand the structure and formatting requirements for APSS Paper Submission.

2.  Write your Paper
Write your paper in the appropriate format. Download the APSS Paper Template to help get the format correct.

3.  Create a Profile Online
Log-in to the Paper Submission Portal and create your profile. You can do this at any time and log-in when ready to submit.

4.  Upload your Paper
Follow the steps to complete your submission and upload your paper via the Online Portal.

5.  Respond to Reviewer Comments
Your paper will be reviewed by 2 reviewers and returned to make necessary changes. Please re-submit online.

6.  Formal Acceptance
Once formally accepted you will need to make a commitment to attend APSS 2023. Register online and add the dates to your diary.